Category: Heart Attack

Preventing the Holiday Heart Attack: What You Need to Know

Do you notice that heart attacks seem to be more prevalent during the winter time and at the holidays? Is it really due mostly to stress? It certainly can play a part, but there are multiple factors that lead to heart attacks and strokes during the holidays. Preventing the holiday heart attack: what you should know.

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Lifestyle Changes You Need To Make After A Heart Attack

Most of us have heard the tongue-in-cheek definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result. This certainly applies to heart attacks. Of the approximately 800K heart attacks that occur in the US each year, 600K are first timers and the other 200K people have had their second heart attack. This is a disappointing statistic. We all need to be informed about lifestyle changes you need to make after a heart attack.

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