Recognizing the Warning Signs of Heart Disease: Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

In movies and television we are accustomed to seeing a perfectly healthy looking character suddenly cringe in pain, fall over, and suffer a heart attack. They typically do that for dramatic effect. In real life, there are numerous signs of an impending heart attack before you might reach that point. Pay special attention in your own life to recognizing the warning signs of heart disease.

Heart Disease Is the Leading Cause of Death

Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States? That includes both men and women, and it is more deadly than cancer. 

What Are the Types of Heart Disease?

There are several kinds of heart disease: 

  • man holding chest in pain.Coronary artery disease, or CAD, is the most common type and it  means that your arteries have built up plaque which interferes with blood flow to your heart. 
  • An irregular heartbeat known as arrhythmia.
  • Congenital heart disease is a condition that you are born with.
  • Heart valve disease
  • Disease of the heart muscle

The Importance of Becoming Informed

Knowing the signs and symptoms of heart disease is crucial. Early recognition gives you the opportunity to get ahead of heart disease. Make an appointment to see our experienced cardiologists for an evaluation. 

You may be able to make some changes that can help to manage your risk like  improving your diet, and doing some regular exercise.  

What Are Common Signs of Heart Disease?

Symptoms can vary depending on the type.

Chest Discomfort

Heaviness and tightness in the chest area could be from cholesterol buildup in your arteries. This limits blood flow to your heart. Be especially careful if you have any discomfort or pain while you are resting. This is sometimes called angina.

Fatigue and Dizziness

If this is something occurring every day, it could be a sign of an impending heart attack. If it happens when you are physically active, it could be a sign of heart failure.

Nausea and Sweating

If this symptom is accompanied by chest pain and shortness of breath, it could be a heart attack. 

Shortness of Breath

If this sign is unusual for you, it could mean your heart is not pumping blood as it should. It may be a sign of congestive heart failure.


Where you feel pain can be significant.

  • Pain in the neck, jaw, throat, and abdomen can indicate heart disease.
  • Pain in the upper body, arms, back, shoulders, neck and jaw can be warning signs of a heart attack.

Lower Body Swelling

Congestive heart failure causes blood to flow slowly out of the heart. Fluid can build up and pool in the legs, ankles, feet, and abdomen.   

Coughing and Wheezing

If you are constantly coughing, this can be a sign of heart failure with fluid building in your lungs.

Family History

Don’t ignore this important risk factor. See New Jersey Cardiology Associates.

Heart Disease Care in West Orange, NJ

Call New Jersey Cardiology Associates at (973) 731-9442 if you have any of these warning signs of heart disease. Take action and don’t procrastinate to see if they go away.


Heart disease – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic

Heart Disease: Symptoms & Causes