Category: News

Recognizing the Warning Signs of Heart Disease: Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

In movies and television we are accustomed to seeing a perfectly healthy looking character suddenly cringe in pain, fall over, and suffer a heart attack. They typically do that for dramatic effect. In real life, there are numerous signs of an impending heart attack before you might reach that point. Pay special attention in your own life to recognizing the warning signs of heart disease.

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Preventing the Holiday Heart Attack: What You Need to Know

Do you notice that heart attacks seem to be more prevalent during the winter time and at the holidays? Is it really due mostly to stress? It certainly can play a part, but there are multiple factors that lead to heart attacks and strokes during the holidays. Preventing the holiday heart attack: what you should know.

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Managing Heart Failure: Tips To Enhance Life and Longevity

When many people hear someone has heart failure, they automatically think this is a death sentence. That is not the case. People can live with heart failure for many many years. Keep reading to learn everything there is to know about managing heart failure, including tips to enhance life and longevity.

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Broken Heart Syndrome: Can a Person Die From a Broken Heart?

We have all heard stories about a spouse that passed away shortly after their husband or wife died. Many people will say, they died of a broken heart. Most likely that’s not the case, but there is actually a medical condition that can look like a heart attack after a stressful event in someone’s life. Broken heart syndrome: can a person die from a broken heart?

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Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack: Knowing The Difference Could Save A Life

Both a heart attack and a cardiac arrest are medical emergencies, however a cardiac arrest needs immediate treatment to prevent death. It is true that most people believe cardiac arrest and a heart attack are basically the same, but they are not. Let’s take a deeper dive. Cardiac arrest vs. heart attack: knowing the difference could save a life. Continue reading “Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack: Knowing The Difference Could Save A Life”

Carotid Artery Disease and Stroke Prevention

The unfortunate problem with carotid artery disease is that there are no early symptoms to alert you. The first symptom you have is a mini stroke known as a transient ischemic attack, or TIA. That is your warning shot to pay particular attention to carotid artery disease and stroke prevention.

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Importance of Establishing Your Baseline Through Heart Health Screenings

Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women worldwide. Preventative cardiology, and preventive healthcare in general, has become more acceptable as a way to diagnose and treat disease. Risk factors for heart disease can go undetected without regular heart checkups and screenings. Don’t underestimate the importance of establishing your baseline through heart health screenings. It could save your life.

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